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What Is the New Canadian Dental Care Plan? 2024

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The new Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) came into effect in December 2023 and will be gradually opened for applications throughout 2024 and into the start of 2025. The CDCP offers some dental coverage for specific eligible people but does not fully cover the cost of your dental services

It’s important to understand that the CDCP offers coverage for dental services such as cleanings, exams, and fillings, but they aren’t necessarily 100& covered. 

This is a new and ever-evolving plan. It is important to understand the policy’s limitations and know which services are covered once your coverage begins. Keep in mind that coverage details may change over time.

Do You Still Have to Pay with CDCP Coverage?

You will likely still have to pay for part of the cost of your dental care or for the full cost of services not covered by the CDCP. The coverage available through the CDCP is limited to specific services, and the full coverage available for your care may change. 

The CDCP will contribute a percentage towards the eligible expenses based on the CDCP SunLife fee guide, which is different and not suitable with the BC Dental Fee Guide. You may be required to pay a co-payment to cover a portion of fees not covered by the CDCP depending on the services you receive, the fees you are charged, and your household income. 

What Is the Income Limit for Canadian Dental Care Plan Benefits?

The income limit for coverage through the CDCP is $90,000. However, even when your income is below $90,000, you may still be required to pay for part of the cost of your services. 

There are 3 coverage categories under the CDCP that vary based on your adjusted annual family net income. They only apply to services covered by the CDCP at the fee rates established by the CDCP.

What Services Are Covered Under the Canadian Dental Care Plan?

The services available for coverage through the CDCP may include:

  • Preventive services, such as scaling (cleaning), polishing, sealants, and fluoride
  • Diagnostic services, such as dental exams and X-rays
  • Restorative services, such as fillings
  • Root canal treatments
  • Complete and partial removable dentures
  • Deep scaling
  • Tooth extractions

As Health Canada continues to work with provinces and territories to coordinate the CDCP, the coverage available may be adjusted based on data and evidence collected over time. 

Who Qualifies for the Canadian Dental Care Plan?

In order to qualify for the CDCP, you must meet specific criteria.

You may not qualify for the CDCP if you have access to insurance coverage for dental services through any of the following sources:

  • Your employer
  • A family member’s employer benefits
  • Your pension or a previous employer’s benefits
  • A family member’s pension benefits or their previous employer’s benefits
  • Health and wellness accounts provided by employer benefits
  • Insurance purchased by yourself or a family member from an insurance or benefits company

If you have access to dental benefits through another social program offered by your province or territory or the federal government, you may still qualify for CDCP coverage if you meet all the other criteria. 

At Elevate Dental, we have implemented a structured approach for both new and existing patients with CDCP coverage. This supports compliance with SunLife’s eligibility criteria and services, minimizing the risk of unwarranted claim deductions in the future. Patients considering Elevate Dental should be aware of the specific enrollment process required to access our services effectively.

Will Seniors Get Free Dental Care with the CDCP?

Not all seniors will be immediately eligible for the CDCP, and some seniors may still have to pay part of the fees for their dental care even when they have CDCP coverage. 

There is a gradual schedule of availability for adults of different ages. Applications opened for adults 87 and older in December 2023. Throughout 2024, applications will continue to open up for progressively younger age ranges on a month-to-month basis. 

Let’s Talk About Your Oral Care Needs

The goal of the CDCP is to help ease financial barriers to oral health care for specific Canadians in potentially vulnerable groups, and it is provided with the advocacy of the Canadian Dental Association

The CDCP is not meant to replace your existing dental benefits, and it’s important to be aware that your coverage through the CDCP may vary based on several factors. Before you apply for this program or seek dental services with CDCP coverage, we encourage you to speak with your dentist. Our Elevate Dental team would be happy to answer any questions you may have. 

Contact us to learn more about the CDCP and your options for accessing critical oral health care. 

Written by Dr. Krystal Hakkaart

Dr. Krystal Hakkaart is a General Dentist practicing in the North Okanagan Valley. She graduated from the University of Sydney in 2021 with unique training in Clinical Teaching and Leadership. Krystal moved back to Vernon (where she was born and raised) to share her passion and skill with her hometown. Krystal makes every effort to stay on top of current trends and developments in dentistry. Her commitment to continuing education empowers her to better serve her patients’ distinctive wants and needs. She is passionate about utilizing innovative technology and digital integration to offer the highest level of service, and deliver exceptional quality care wrapped in a gentle touch that results in an overall comfortable experience.

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  • Vernon, BC V1T-8Z6

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