Crowns, Bridges, & Veneers in Vernon

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Your Path to a
Fuller-Looking Smile

If you’re struggling with cracked, broken, or damaged teeth, our team may be able to help restore your smile by providing a crown, bridge, or veneer! These are common treatments designed to help you achieve a fuller-looking smile that you can enjoy with confidence.

Before we can determine which strategy may be best for you or your family member, we always recommend having a comprehensive dental check-up. We’ll work towards getting to the root of your concerns to help support the smile you deserve.

Book your next dental exam and see if a crown, bridge, or veneer may be right for you!

What Are Crowns & Bridges?

Crowns and bridges are restorative dental procedures that aim to restore broken, damaged, and missing teeth.

While dentures and partial dentures can help replace certain teeth with a removable appliance, crowns and bridges are fixed into place by capping an already existing tooth. The artificial teeth are designed to simulate natural teeth using safe, strong materials like porcelain, resin, or metal alloys.

What Are Veneers?

Veneers can last for up to 10 years with proper oral care and can help address problems like:

  • Cracked or chipped teeth
  • Crooked teeth
  • Internal tooth discolouration
  • Small teeth
  • Tooth gaps

Veneers are made of durable porcelain materials and should act like real teeth. However, if they break, you’ll need to have them replaced as soon as you can to prevent the risk of developing cavities or discolouration.

How Crowns & Bridges Serve Your Smile

While crowns and bridges are made from similar materials and can help address similar problems, our team may recommend one over the other for various reasons.

We can determine which may be better for your needs when you come in for a dental exam. With proper cleaning and care, bridges and crowns can last for 10 to 15 years.

Crowns, also known as “caps,” are used to address issues affecting one specific tooth, or to cap an implant. Crowns operate similar to a natural tooth, meaning that they shouldn’t affect your eating or drinking habits.

Our team may recommend a crown if:

  • Your tooth is damaged
  • You have a weak tooth
  • Your tooth has cosmetic problems
  • You need to protect a tooth with a large filling

Bridges are used to replace one or more teeth and are cemented in place with abutments on both ends. Bridges may be secured on healthy teeth, but we may file down your natural teeth to fit the bridge’s abutments. Like a crown, bridges should help you use your teeth naturally.

What You Should Know About Veneers

While veneers may be a popular cosmetic treatment, we’ll first need to ensure you’re a candidate.

We could recommend veneers if you:

  • Have healthy gums
  • Have strong tooth enamel
  • Don’t grind your teeth

We’ll be happy to address any questions or concerns you may have throughout our entire process.

Before we can start any of our cosmetic or restorative services, we’ll always need to perform a dental exam.

Dental exams can help our team determine if your enamel is healthy enough for veneers and if we can address the cosmetic concerns you have.

Once we determine if you’re a candidate for veneers, we’ll book a separate appointment to give you a set of temporary veneers.

Temporary veneers are used for a short time while your permanent veneers are being made. Before we apply your temporary veneers, we’ll take moulds of your teeth to help us create your permanent set. Then, we prepare your teeth for the temporary set by providing a local anesthetic and buffing and shaping your tooth enamel.

It’ll take a few weeks to create your permanent set of veneers. Once they’re ready, you return for another appointment where we remove your temporary set and place your permanent.

This process is similar to putting on your temporary set, but we also provide you with detailed information on how to take care of your veneers.

Smile With Confidence

Enjoy your smile with confidence. If you’re wondering whether you’re a candidate for crowns, bridges, or veneers, please contact our team today to book your appointment.

Our Location

Elevate Dental is conveniently located in the heart of Vernon, on 48th Avenue. We have free parking available in our private lot and street parking just a few steps away from our front doors.

If you’re having trouble finding us, please give us a call!

Our Address

  • 2900 48th Ave
  • Vernon, BC V1T-8Z6

Contact Information

*Closed weekends and all statutory holidays


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