Fillings & Restorative Dentistry in Vernon

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Your Dental Health

Throughout your life, you may develop issues that can affect your teeth in several ways. These problems can damage your teeth or even cause tooth loss if they’re left unaddressed.

Restorative dental services, like the ones we offer at Elevate Dental, can help restore your smile with natural-looking and comfortable materials. Find out if our restorative dentistry services are right for you, and book an appointment with us today.

What Is Restorative Dentistry?

Restorative dentistry is a group of services that aim to restore teeth affected by oral health issues caused by plaque and tartar buildup. As bacteria form on your teeth and gums, it can cause various oral health concerns like:

Restorative services, like fillings, crowns, bridges, inlays, and onlays, could help you manage your oral health and possibly prevent future issues from developing.

Our Restorative Dental Services

Our team will examine your teeth and overall oral health before determining which restorative services may be best for you. 

Our goal is to provide you with options to best support your oral health, so please feel free to ask us any questions or stress any concerns that you may have. In some cases, we may provide some restorative services on the same day as your routine check-up and cleaning.

Fillings are a common service we provide to help treat cavities before they can infect deeper layers of the tooth.

During a filling, we’ll numb the area around your tooth, isolate the tooth with a rubber dam, and remove the cavity using either a drill or laser dentistry techniques. If we use laser technology to remove the cavity, we may not need to numb areas in your mouth.

We’ll then fill the space in your tooth with materials like amalgam or composite resin.

Crowns are caps we place on top of your tooth to restore its function and protect it from further damage caused by tooth decay. We may also recommend a crown if your tooth is too damaged to perform a filling.

Bridges can help replace multiple teeth without having to create a denture. They can also help reduce the risk of bone loss caused by missing teeth and help you achieve a fuller-looking smile.

Please visit our Crowns, Bridges, & Veneers page for more information on this service.

Inlays and onlays are small inserts we may recommend to restore damaged parts of your teeth. These are a great choice if your teeth are damaged, but not damaged enough to warrant a full crown.

Inlays are placed between the cusps of your tooth, while onlays cover one or more of these cusps.

Love Your Smile

We’ll be happy to show you how our team can help you achieve a healthier, fuller-looking smile. Start the process today by booking your appointment!

Our Location

Elevate Dental is conveniently located in the heart of Vernon, on 48th Avenue. We have free parking available in our private lot and street parking just a few steps away from our front doors.

If you’re having trouble finding us, please give us a call!

Our Address

  • 2900 48th Ave
  • Vernon, BC V1T-8Z6

Contact Information

*Closed weekends and all statutory holidays


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