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Category: Teeth Whitening

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Why are My Teeth Yellow?

Woman examining her yellow teeth in the mirror.

Yellow teeth can often be an embarrassing and frustrating issue for many people. After all, having a bright white smile is often associated with good dental hygiene and overall health. But despite brushing regularly and practicing good oral care habits, many people still struggle with yellow teeth. This discoloration can affect self-confidence, making individuals hesitant […]

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Our Location

Elevate Dental is conveniently located in the heart of Vernon, on 48th Avenue. We have free parking available in our private lot and street parking just a few steps away from our front doors.

If you’re having trouble finding us, please give us a call!

Our Address

  • 2900 48th Ave
  • Vernon, BC V1T-8Z6

Contact Information

*Closed weekends and all statutory holidays


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