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Category: Dental Health

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Dental Bone Implants: What Are the Benefits?

A close-up of a plastic model of the lower half of a person's jaw, displaying how dental implants are placed. The gum portion of the model is clear, and shows a metal anchor placed inside as an attachment point for an artificial tooth.

Dental implants are a restorative dental procedure that offers a permanent and natural-looking solution for missing or damaged teeth.  They replace the tooth root and provide a stable foundation for artificial teeth. If you’ve had a tooth extracted, a dental implant is one replacement option.  What Are Dental Implants? Dental implants are small titanium posts […]

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How Long After a Dental Cleaning Can I Eat?

A young woman displays her beautiful clean smile while eating a yogurt, after her dental cleaning.

Visiting your dental team for a routine cleaning may sound unnecessary if you’re regular in brushing and flossing your teeth, but a professional cleaning helps eliminate any food debris, plaque, and tartar that can’t be removed at home.  After your cleaning, you’ll be advised not to eat or drink for at least 30 minutes after […]

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Straight Teeth and Self-Confidence: How a Perfect Smile Can Help

A closeup of a young woman's beautiful smile as she holds up her clear aligners.

Our smile is one of our most beautiful features. It displays to others the joy and happiness we are feeling in our everyday lives. Enhancing our beautiful smiles can go a long way to boosting our confidence.  Fortunately, dental technology has shifted beyond just traditional braces.  SureSmile aligners and dental veneers are great alternative options […]

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Can TMJ Cause Tooth Pain?

A woman sitting on a sofa and holding her cheek with her palm as she grimaces from a toothache.

Feeling any discomfort in your teeth is rarely a fun experience. If you’ve ever noticed a clicking, sore, or swelling sensation in your jaw, it may have been something called temporomandibular joint disorder—commonly known as TMJ or TMD.  TMJ can cause sensations similar to tooth pain, but it rarely affects the tooth itself. Instead, it […]

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Our Location

Elevate Dental is conveniently located in the heart of Vernon, on 48th Avenue. We have free parking available in our private lot and street parking just a few steps away from our front doors.

If you’re having trouble finding us, please give us a call!

Our Address

  • 2900 48th Ave
  • Vernon, BC V1T-8Z6

Contact Information

*Closed weekends and all statutory holidays


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